Euphonic Studio ™

Recording studio and music instruction adventures since 1979

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Amen Choir Releases “Salamu” and “Ifi”

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Salamu and Ifi celebrate the impending CD, Long Story

Artwork for the Amen Choir's newest single, Ifi, released 4/1/15. The song is part of a CD recorded by the Amen Choir at Euphonic Studio.

Artwork for the Amen Choir’s newest single, Ifi, released 4/1/15. The song is part of a CD recorded by the Amen Choir at Euphonic Studio.

This is the artwork for the Amen Choir single “Ifi”, released April 1, 2015.

We are happy and proud to announce that the second single from the Amen Choir’s CD is now available at the following links:




Thanks for listening!!!


This is the artwork for the Amen Choir single "Salamu", which means "Greetings!"

This is the artwork for the Amen Choir single “Salamu”, which means “Greetings!”

We are happy and proud to announce the release of the single recording “Salamu” by the Amen Choir from their 12 song CD which will be released later this spring.

This is the artwork for the Amen Choir single “Salamu”, which means “Greetings!”

You can buy your own copy of this uplifting song at this link:


Here is a lyrics translation for those who don’t speak Kirundi or Swahili:





Greetings our Burundi!

We greet you in the name of Jesus Christ

Leader hello…

Brothers and Sisters we greet you…

Vs 1

Many among us did not see you

But because of our parents we know you

Our Burundi we greet you

Our Burundi we send you these greetings


Greetings our Burundi!

We greet you in the name of Jesus Christ

Leader hello…

Brothers and Sisters we greet you…


Greetings Tanzania!

We greet you in the name of Jesus Christ

Leader hello…

Our friends we greet you…

Vs 2

We were refugees from Burundi

We fled to you

And you welcomed us

You also opened up the way for us to come to America

May our God Bless You

Greetings Tanzania!

We greet you in the name of Jesus Christ

Leader hello

Our friends we greet you.


To our home we send a song of love and our greetings. And although many of us didn’t get the chance to see the land that our parents, grandparents, and so on were born and raised or where and how our traditions were developed we still love you Burundi and we still call you home. The stories that our parents tell paint beautiful and colorful picture of who and what you are. We say hello to the leaders and the ones we left behind.

Tanzania our second home, the place that most of us were born, we greet you as well. When we were refugees fleeing the horrible face of death, you took us in and you open the doors for us to come to America, our new home. To the leaders and to our friends in Tanzania we say we greet you say hello, thank you and may God bless you. We are who we are today because of you.


Written by Bill Niemi

March 4th, 2015 at 3:36 pm